On a soul-deep level, I've always been an artist.
I've always loved to draw and recall being entranced by lines, colour, perspective and how that made me feel, from a very early age.
My Art brain was set on fire at the age of 15, when I was first exposed to Surrealism. I was inspired by Salvador Dali originally, but in later years discovered the amazing talents of Yves Tanguy, James Gleeson and Roberto Matta.
I apprenticed in a tattoo studio and spent many hours lost in line drawings and various forms of shading. My ink drawings evolved from this period of my life and this medium still fascinates me to this day.
What you can do with a simple four-colour pen is quite amazing!
The urge to expand my techniques and to just learn more about my creative self drove me to study Art formally at the age of 37.
It focussed my abilities and taught me far more than merely the syllabus. I learned to think in such a way that I was able to encapsulate my ideas in pictorial forms and to really just say what I was thinking through my drawing and painting.
I still draw... often. And I truly love to paint.
My inspiration comes from everywhere, including from organic forms, my interpretation of music, decay and nature. Sometimes it is an emotional response to personal events.
Through my Art, I want to show the world that the most important thing is to question everything... and that sometimes, the questions are more important than the answers.